(615) 852-6504 info@Woman2Woman.life

Financial Assistance Program

Annually, we provide financial assistance to women in emergency situations, due to a life changing event.  These women are experiencing situational poverty that could result in things such as homelessness, loss of electricity and running water, unemployment, or hunger. The women are required to attend our Financial Literacy Workshop in order to qualify for the Financial Assistance Program. 

Holiday Sponsorships

Holidays are a time where families can come together with one another and experience true joy within their home. This isn’t always the case with families who have experienced a life changing event or experiencing situational poverty and cannot afford the extra expense of holiday meals and gifts. The Holiday Sponsorships Program provide holiday help to single women in need, due to a life altering event & who families otherwise would have to go with out.  The women are required to attend a Financial Literacy Workshop in December in order to qualify for sponsorship.

Woman Empowerment Program

Through our annual “VISION” workshop and our “I AM WORTHY” Summit, we empower women in such a way that will influence them to want a better life for themselves and their families. Being that women are the majority of victims of domestic violence, rape, trafficking and other violence acts, our empowerment program, provide them supportive services to aid in their emotional and spiritual healing. Our empowerment program also strive to partner with other organizations to help these women dress for success, find employment, develop employment  opportunities, further their education, so that they can provide for themselves and their families. 

Suicide Prevention Program

Those experiencing violence, pain, depression, situational poverty, homelessness, job loss or hunger may also be experiencing mental health issues as well as a mental health crisis. Those without the resources to provide for their family’s basic needs, often don’t have the resources to provide for their  mental health.

The Suicide Prevention Program offers counseling referrals and resources, supportive listening and community events to raise awareness  for mental health to women and youth throughout middle Tennessee. Paid for counseling/therapy services for mental health is on a case by case basis. We work to reduce factors that increase the risk for suicidal thoughts and behaviors & increase the factors that help.

Young Fly & Focused-   Youth Development Program

Growing up with violence in the home, experiencing poverty, and without both parents inside the home can come with numerous mental, behavioral, social and spiritual issues that could follow these youth into their adult lives. This can easily affect their abilities to make good rational decisions, put them on a path to repeat the same cycles that they experienced growing up or cause them to experience poverty in their adult lives. We want youth to know their worth and that they were created on purpose! The annual “Young Fly & Focused” Summit will educate, empower and offer resources that will bring them the guidance, perseverance and changed mindset to enhance and discover their gifts and talents for their own purpose.  Our Young Fly & Focused Program will also provide college scholarships to disadvantaged students in middle Tennessee.